AmigaActive (1625/2143)

Date:24 May 2000 at 21:06:22
Subject:Re: Alive and Elite3

Someone's got me on a roll and he's called Mason, Simon Mason.

> > Probably best, my FastShow routine should have said schoolboys but my
> > local paper's got a nonce on the front cover today.
> > It's very easy to be misunderstood or have e-mails twisted!
> True, but untill someone objects............

Nooo, someone wont drop it like that.
Not to our faces, if they did, they would be very brave or pretty
dumb ;)

> > It's good to know your on this list, you old Viking :)
> Less of the old, you young scalliwag - youre not to big to put over
>my knee
> :)

Suit you sir!

> (No double entondre please !)

That's not in my dictionary :( Is Matt Sealy on here?

Bye now
Tony-Definatly going to lurk now, unless Simon replies to him, or Geo
Davies turns up.

No need to twitch Moderators, I come in peace (no pun intended
Fastshow freaks) :)

Your sites looking good Si :)

Amiga power tower os 3.5 030 32meg fast
3.5 g hd 24 cdrom Epson 740 Turboprint 7
surf via Voyager3 Netconnect3 BRILLIANT!!!

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